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Juaneda Inca y Palma Centre, servicios médicos especializados y de proximidad Juaneda

Juaneda Inca y Palma Centre, servicios médicos especializados y de proximidad

Todo el que aprecia lo importante que es estar sano, sabe lo valioso que es tener siempre cerca a especialistas de confianza a los que poder recurrir tanto en el día a día, como en caso de...

How should children brush their teeth? Juaneda

How should children brush their teeth?

Oral hygiene, whether in children or adults, is very important in keeping the mouth healthy. Many parents turn to our Dental Kids professionals to ask when their children should start brushing...

How to treat hair loss in women Juaneda

How to treat hair loss in women

Hair loss, in technical terms alopecia, is a chronic and progressive process in which the patient gradually and progressively realizes that he is suffering from a visible loss in hair...

What is gynecomastia, the treatment most demanded by men?  Juaneda

What is gynecomastia, the treatment most demanded by men?

Plastic surgery is usually associated with women. However, in recent years, more and more men have decided to turn to plastic and cosmetic surgeons to undergo surgery that will allow them to...

Desinfección en los hospitales, la clave del éxito Juaneda

Desinfección en los hospitales, la clave del éxito

When we look back and review everything that has happened in recent months, we can only be moved. There were moments of tension, fear and insecurity, but sometimes also satisfaction when we saw...

How to prevent childhood overweight Juaneda

How to prevent childhood overweight

It seems that, little by little, we are getting back to normality in our everyday lives. However, there are some sectors of the population that will take a bit longer to recover, and which we need...

Tratamientos estéticos más demandados por los jóvenes Juaneda

Tratamientos estéticos más demandados por los jóvenes

La medicina estética ha dejado de ser algo exclusivo para pacientes de edades avanzadas. Ya no recurrimos a ella exclusivamente para borrar arrugas, manchas o suavizar el paso del tiempo, sino...

¿Cómo proteger la piel de los niños del sol tras el confinamiento? Juaneda

¿Cómo proteger la piel de los niños del sol tras el confinamiento?

Tras duras semanas de confinamiento, las calles han vuelto a abrirse para los más pequeños de la casa. Las calles vuelven a sonar. Su banda sonora suena a carcajadas, ruedines de bicicleta y...

Motherhood in COVID-19 times  Juaneda

Motherhood in COVID-19 times

Childbirth is one of the most awaited and feared moments of pregnancy. The desire to finally see the baby outweighs the fear of the pain caused by the birth pangs. During these weeks of...

¿Qué precauciones deben seguir las embarazadas frente al COVID-19?  Juaneda

¿Qué precauciones deben seguir las embarazadas frente al COVID-19?

La incertidumbre empieza, muy poco a poco, a disiparse y parece que vamos encontrando cierta calma entre el caos que ha reinado durante las últimas semanas.Desde Juaneda Hospitales seguimos...

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