What is the effect of COVID-19 on pregnant women?
Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful experiences a woman can have. To feel the baby slowly growing in the womb is a magical moment. But at the moment there are moments when fears and doubts...
Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful experiences a woman can have. To feel the baby slowly growing in the womb is a magical moment. But at the moment there are moments when fears and doubts...
Right now, we're all going through difficult times. Mothers who have just given birth or are about to give birth may need additional help to cope with their motherhood both physically and mentally....
These aren't easy times for anyone. The arrival in Europe of COVID 19, the airborne virus that has paralysed the whole world, combined with its rapid growth curve in our country, has changed our...
La Dra. Dagné Pupo, médico graduada en la Universidad Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona, empezó su formación en Cuba para, finalmente, formarse como médico estética en la UIB. Y, durante los...
The vast majority of our body parts are closely related to our mouth. This means that poor oral health can lead to other types of pathologies and vice versa. Therefore, it is very important to pay...
Major advances in medical research help us to improve our health and well-being in our daily lives. This is also the case with PGD - Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis. In this molecular...
In the mid-1970s, the American ophthalmologist Alan Scott was looking for a substance that would allow him to relax certain eye muscles and thus help patients with strabismus. He finally found the...
Ser padre o madre implica formularse un millón de preguntas -algunas sin respuesta- acerca de la salud de los más pequeños. Dudas sobre su crecimiento y desarrollo, sobre la normalidad...
Con el nuevo año siempre llegan los nuevos propósitos a través de los que intentaremos ser mejores personas. O al menos más sanas: comer saludable, hacer ejercicio de manera regular y, cómo...
Ayer fue un día muy bonito. El RCD Mallorca, club del que somos servicio médico oficial, nos emprendió camino hacia nuestras instalaciones cambiando sus revisiones médicas periódicas por un...
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