The Juaneda medical centre in the Ses Rondes region of Ciutadella is the health reference point for Ciutadella residents and tourists visiting Menorca. Open Monday to Friday.
Just a few minutes from the Juaneda Hospital are these practices with almost a hundred specialists who cover the most important areas from general medicine to physiotherapy and rehabilitation medicine (with a large sports hall), internal medicine and urology (green laser) or the digestive system.
Special mention should be made of the paediatric department, the obstetrics and gynaecology department and the prenatal courses that are held in the same facilities of the health center.
It has a sampling point and an uninterrupted care facility where our staff is always looking after their patients throughout the week.
9 a 21 horas de lunes a viernesVerano
9 a 21 horas de lunes a viernesContacto
07760 Ciutadella, Ciutadella
T. 971 481 500
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La Anatomía Patológica es la especialidad médica que se encarga del estudio de las lesiones y alteraciones de los tejidos y órganos. Habitualmente se realiza en el Laboratorio con ayuda de un microscopio y su finalidad es el diagnóstico correcto de biopsias, piezas quirúrgicas, citologías y autopsias, para poder diferenciar el tejido sano del enfermo (p.e. diferenciar un tumor benigno deotro maligno)
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