In the heart of Palma is this renovated Juaneda medical centre with more than 30 specialists covering up to twenty different specialist areas, from general medicine to radiology, physiotherapy, rehabilitation medicine, internal medicine, spine therapy and the digestive tract.
The clinic also has a sampling department and a nursing service (DUE). There is also a place for uninterrupted care, where our staff always looks after their patients from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Some bus routes that take you to the Juaneda medical centre are 3, 5, 7 and 8.
One of the exits from the Aparcament Vía Roma public car park is just 50 meters from the Juaneda Palma medical centre.
Palma Centre
8 a 20 de lunes a viernesVerano
8 a 20 de lunes a viernesContacto
07003 Palma de Mallorca, Palma de Mallorca
T. 971 450 003
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La Anatomía Patológica es la especialidad médica que se encarga del estudio de las lesiones y alteraciones de los tejidos y órganos. Habitualmente se realiza en el Laboratorio con ayuda de un microscopio y su finalidad es el diagnóstico correcto de biopsias, piezas quirúrgicas, citologías y autopsias, para poder diferenciar el tejido sano del enfermo (p.e. diferenciar un tumor benigno deotro maligno)
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