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The center

The Juaneda Medical Center is located in the heart of the city of Inca on Gran Vía Colon. The weekly opening times for patient care at the center vary. 

The modern facilities with more than 25 medical departments, including the department for complementary medical examinations, enable the inhabitants of Inca and the surrounding area not to have to go to Palma to carry out certain examinations. 

The team constantly pursues the full satisfaction of its customers (patients, family members, companions, cooperating doctors and insurance companies) and offers appropriate services and treatments for the needs of each patient. 

Management is confirmed by the most important international accreditations (ISO 9001: 2000 AND SEP - Excellent Private Health -), which are renewed annually.




8 a 21 de lunes a viernes


8 a 21 de lunes a viernes


07300 Inca, Inca

T. 971 507 777



    La Anatomía Patológica es la especialidad médica que se encarga del estudio de las lesiones y alteraciones de los tejidos y órganos. Habitualmente se realiza en el Laboratorio con ayuda de un microscopio y su finalidad es el diagnóstico correcto de biopsias, piezas quirúrgicas, citologías y autopsias, para poder diferenciar el tejido sano del enfermo (p.e. diferenciar un tumor benigno deotro maligno)

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