When is the right time to go to a fertility clinic?
Having children nowadays is not always compatible with our modern life. Many couples postpone being parents due to their personal, work or economic situation. In fact, the average age in Spain has gradually risen to be one of the highest in Europe. Currently, the average age of spanish mothers is 32.
According to statistics and studies, from the age of 35 onwards the quality of the oocytes begins to decline, from the age of 37 onwards it does so in a very marked way and, it is from the age of 40 onwards, when having children with their own oocytes is more complicated. As time goes by, not only the quantity of oocytes decreases, but also their quality.
One of the most common doubts that we solve at Juaneda Fertility is when couples should start worrying about not achieving a natural pregnancy and should go to a fertility clinic.
Felipe Gallego, embryologist of Juaneda Fertility, says that although every woman is different and every case is unique, it is assumed that the waiting time for a natural pregnancy (before visiting a fertility clinic) is usually one year for women under 35 years and six months for women over 35 years.
There are very simple and inexpensive tests that make it possible to determine the quality of semen in men, the spermiogram, and the Anti-Müllerian-Hormone (AMH) in women. This is a very useful test to determine the woman's fertile moment and to analyse her ovarian reserve.
If a pregnancy has not been achieved naturally after this time, we carry out tests to determine the cause of possible infertility. As soon as we know the result of the test, we will start an appropriate treatment for each patient. It can be a simple procedure such as programmed intercourse or something more complex such as artificial insemination or in vitro fertilisation with genetic preimplantation diagnostics.
How can you prepare for the assisted reproduction process?
A fertility clinic is made up of a multidisciplinary team made up of an obstetrics and gynaecology team, nurses, laboratory technicians and embryologists.
All patients should be aware that it can be a long and complex process that begins in an operating room.
Once the operation is over, the embryologist receives the eggs from the operating room, picks up the sperm, joins them, creates the embryos and then takes care of them until they are introduced into the uterus.
The physical preparation is fundamental. You should pay attention to your diet and avoid environmental toxins, tobacco, alcohol and obesity.
As far as mental preparation is concerned, it is important to be aware that it can sometimes be a long process in which the pregnancy rate per embryo transfer is 50/60%.
However, accumulation will allow us to do more than one attempt and increase the chances of pregnancy.
The Juaneda Fertility Team has more than 15 years of experience in this field and countless success stories.
For this reason, we encourage all couples and women who have doubts or wish to begin the process, to have their individual case evaluated by us.
Juaneda, always close to you.